Minecraft six hopper silent clock mod#
If you are a modpack maker and wish to include this mod or any other mod which adds structures in your modpack for 1.16-1.16.3, I ask you to please include a warning on your modpack page, either by copying the above text or writing a similar warning in your own words. See MC-194811 on Mojang's bug tracker for more details. Please back up your worlds before opening them with any mods which add structures in 1.16-1.16.3, before updating any mods with structures in 1.16-1.16.3, and never remove any structure mod in 1.16-1.16.3 unless you have backups of the world and preferably a plan to fix any corrupted chunks. If a structure is removed (usually by uninstalling the mod, rarely by updating) or renamed (by the mod dev), it is possible to corrupt your worlds upon loading. Mojang introduced a bug in 1.16 which affects all mods which add structures. Read before installing this mod for MC 1.16 through 1.16.3 (1.16.4 is safe) Some semi-automatically farmable items will be given methods to be fully automatic, and some non-renewable resources will only be given semi-afkable farming methods depending on the usefulness of the resource.

It should ultimately keep the same spirit of the vanilla game, but add more things for the more technical players to do. This mod is not meant to fundamentally change the experience of vanilla minecraft, but rather to compliment it by opening up the possibilities of creating more farms and making more resources renewable. Shulker's Faithful Factories (Previously Cobbler)