Coin hash calculator
Coin hash calculator

coin hash calculator

Your friend that is selling the rig will likely give you all the numbers. How much electricity does the rig consume? It depends on the number of GPUs and the algorithm. Go to 2CryptoCalc and enter required values to get the latest data. 1 kWh may cost you $0.1, $0.05, or almost $0.01.Īll calculations were done at the time of writing. Remember that the calculator doesn’t count electricity and other expenses. The calculator shows that the rig profitability is $8.00 per day. We look for the GTX 1070 on the main page and indicate the number of GPUs, eight in our case. Would you buy it? How would you know if you need it? At the same time, you are thinking of becoming a miner. He said that he had used it for three years, it had paid off long ago. Let’s say, your friend is selling a rig of eight Nvidia 1070 graphics cards. It doesn’t know the price of Ethereum tomorrow or how many new miners will join the industry in a week. Remember that the calculator is not a fortune teller. If you haven’t bought a graphics card or other mining equipment yet, 2CryptoCalc will help you evaluate mining profitability.

  • Is Mining on Gaming Computers Profitable?.
  • Check on which exchanges you can sell the coin and check the pools on which you can mine it. DYORĪ mining calculator is a combination of thousands of different data points and the calculated estimated rewards are theoretical, which means that you always need to do your own research and not relying blindly on the data. Keep in mind that estimated earnings are calculated by multiplying the price and estimated reward - so any factor that can affect either of these variables will have an impact on the displayed estimated earnings.
  • The algorithm has changed and the data wasn’t updated.
  • coin hash calculator

  • The market price provided by our 3rd party provider is incorrect.
  • The coin has low volume and no one is mining it.
  • Difficulty significantly dropped for this coin.
  • If you see a coin with unrealistic reward or exchange rate (for example, the first coin on the list has an estimated daily profit of 20 USD and the second coin on the list has an estimated daily profit of 2 USD), it could be that the variables for calculating the estimated reward are unrealistic. For these pools, the rewards are shown regarding their API reports.

    coin hash calculator

    There are two groups of such pools: marketplaces (such as NiceHash) and auto-exchange pools (such as Mining Pool Hub, Zergpool, Zpool, and others). Multi-algo pools are pools on which you can mine different algorithms and get paid for mining in one currency. Coins with frequent spikes are not reliable and can indicate that the price or difficulty are often changing. Spike tag will show every time the coin’s recent price or reward jumped up. These coins are hard to sell because of their low volume and can fall into the speculative category. Low volume coins tag will show every time the coin’s last 24h volume on the exchanges was less than 1,000 USD. Through the mining calculator, coins, algorithms, and hardware, you will see different tags, notifications, and data that will catch your interest.

    coin hash calculator

  • You can export the results of the benchmark to your mining calculator.
  • You can click on the mining calculator link shared by some other user which will import the results to your own mining calculator and saved it as a separate dataset.
  • There are two other alternative ways to generate mining calculator results. Alternative ways to generate mining calculator results You can edit all parameters from the top filter row and share the dataset with others.

    #Coin hash calculator software#

    On the results page, you will see all coins, algorithms, estimated rewards, estimated costs, estimated profit, and the software on which mining the coin is available (ASIC, msOS, or Windows).

    Coin hash calculator