- Aica vs pica syndrome plus#
- Aica vs pica syndrome free#
Unilateral lesion in the dorsal pontine tegmentum in the caudal third of the pons.Inferior medial pontine syndrome (Foville syndrome) This disorder requires both posterior cerebral arteries to be occluded, which is a fairly uncommon event.Asimultagnosia (the inability to understand visual objects).Optic ataxia (poor coordination of eye motor movement).Loss of voluntary eye movements (but reflex movements are preserved).
Anosognosia, the unawareness or denial of blindness (this is the part which makes it Anton syndrome the patient often confabulates to compensate for the lost visual information, refuses to admit that they are blind, complains that the room is dark because somebody has turned out the lights, etc)īilateral parietal and occipital lobes (Balint syndrome). Bilateral visual loss (cortical blindness). Depending on how much or how little of the lobe is taken out, there may be other weird visual disturbances, like colour anomia.īilateral occipital lobes - bilateral PCA, or top of the basilar artery ( Anton syndrome). Theoretically, any lesion that interrupts the spinothalamic tract can cause this, at any point in its path. Contralateral pain: neuropathic, usually burning it character, with hyperalgesia and allodynia. Thalamic pain syndrome ( Dejerine-Roussy syndrome) - ventroposterolateral thalamus Contralateral weakness (corticospinal tract is taken out). Ventromedial midbrain ( Weber syndrome)- penetrating midbrain branches of the PCA Contralateral arm and leg ataxia with tremor (because the superior cerebellar peduncles are infarcted). Midbrain tegmentum, the "floor" of the midbrain ( Claude syndrome) This seems to be occasionally referred to as "alexia without agraphia". Weirdly, the sufferer remains able to spell words and even writing sentences, but is unable to understand them. Alexia (reading incomprehension) is the result of damage to the splenium, the thickest and most posterior portion of the corpus callosum. Aica vs pica syndrome plus#
Contralateral weakness (usually more in the leg then the arm)Ĭallosal branches: dominant occipital plus splenium of corpus collosum.small penetrating arteries of the MCA, or the basilar artery, affecting the posterior limb of external capsule and the pons ( basis pontis).Constructional apraxia (where you lose the ability to reproduce drawing or 3D shapes).Expressive aphasia (as it takes ot Broca's area).Contralateral sensory loss (including the face).Mainly the lower half of the contralateral face is affected.
Contralateral weakness (mostly face and arm, not so much leg and foot). Receptive aphasia (as it takes out Wernicke's area). Contralateral homonymous hemianopia or upper quadrant anopsia. See Gerstmann (1924), except you can't because it's not available anywhere. Global aphasia (receptive and expressive). Whole of the dominant MCA: Gerstmann syndrome This happens from infarction of A4 and A5, smallest branches of the ACA which supply the corpus callosum. Independent motor activity of the left limb (usually, relatively complex activity, some apparently goal-oriented, and all of it entirely involuntary). These are fairly rare, as the anterior communicating artery allows collateral blood flowĪlien hand syndrome (anterior corpus callosum or anterior cingulate). Contralateral sensory loss of lower limbs. Contralateral hemiparesis of lower limbs. For those who want a peer-reviewed reference for their exam preparation, hopefully this link to Balami et al (2013) will have somewhat better longevity, it being an academic publication. Much of their content has been recovered using and is preserved in the entries below. Aica vs pica syndrome free#
Unfortunately, this site has gone down (presumably because like other free online resources this one must have been powered by either a time-limited government grant or the energy of a single sleepless enthusiast). The Internet Stroke Centre used to be an excellent summary of stroke syndromes, and was the main source for this summary. It even had references to the studies which describe each specific stroke syndrome. This list includes dominant and non-dominant MCA infarction, medial and lateral medullary syndromes, anterior and posterior cerebral artery syndromes and the basilar artery syndrome. Thus far, CICM have not expected their exam candidates to make this sort of diagnosis in the written papers, perhaps with the exception of Question 10.1 from the second paper of 2013 and Question 27 from the first paper of 2019, both of which asked about lateral medullary syndrome. There is a list of "classical" stroke syndromes arranged by arterial territory, which one needs to commit to memory.